Please review frequently asked questions before emailing us. We will NOT RESPOND to questions that can be answered on this page. Please include your order # with your email if your question isn’t answered below. Our hours of operation are Mon-Fri 10am-5:00pm EST. (We work a few hours on Sat and Sun.)
We are a small family business. We love what we do and take pride in our work and customer service. Please allow 72 hours for processing of orders after payment is received. Also, please allow 72 hours after sending payment to contact us about shipping.
We do realize that some mistakes and errors can occur. We ask that if you are reaching out to us with any concerns, please be kind. There is no reason to be threatening nor belligerent. We will not tolerate it and you will be banned from purchasing from us. Kindness matters, to everyone. Kindness will get you far with us. Being rude will get you nowhere.
Some of our payment options (CashApp) are done manually, so we ask that you follow all of our instructions carefully. We have policies in place to help this transaction be efficient and smooth. Our policies are not a personal attack on anyone, please do not take them as such. Our policies are designed to be fair across the board and allows us to get orders out in a timely manner.
IMPORTANT: If you are emailing us regarding an existing order, you MUST include the order number. Inquiries about existing orders that do not include the order number will be ignored. DO NOT reach out to us regarding cultivation. Due to legal reasons, we will NOT dicuss cultivation in any way.
1. Why have I not received a reply to my email?
Please note that our hours are Mon-Fri 9am-5pm EST. Please, do not send multiple emails, as this can delay a response. We do not reply to emails that can be answered by the FAQ page. Some emails have strict junk mail settings and will not allow the email to come to you. It is important that you watch your email, as this is how we will communicate with you concerning your order. You will need to add our address ( to your address book in order to receive our email (as stated at checkout). In addition, WE DO NOT REPLY TO EMAILS THAT DISCUSS CULTIVATION IN ANY WAY. You also run the risk of your order, or any future orders being cancelled. If there is a problem with your order, please be civil. *FOUL LANGUAGE AND THREATENING BEHAVIOR WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. IF YOUR EMAIL CONTAINS EITHER, YOU WILL NOT BE ANSWERED AND WILL LOSE THE PRIVILEGE OF ORDERING FROM US.
2. Where is my tracking number?
The first email you receive after placing your order will be a confirmation of your order. This email comes automatically to the email address that you entered on the order form. PLEASE search for in the seach box in your email. You will receive a second email from us from the same email with your tracking number AFTER we process your shipping label. This may take up to 72 hours from the time you place your order. If you did not receive this email, please return to your order page for tracking information (you can return to this page from the order confirmation sent when you placed your order). This email often goes to spam/junk or promotional emails. Please search for emails from in all email folders, before emailing us. Please wait 72 hours after placing your order before contacting us with questions about tracking. We will not respond to emails requesting this information before then. *Please follow your tracking information and watch for your package. See question 4.
3. Is packaging discreet?
Your package will come from Lab Supply LLC and does not mention spores or mushrooms anywhere on it.
4. Where is my package/item?
Your tracking information has been emailed to you (see #2). It is important that you watch for your item in the mail. Packages and mail are stolen from mailboxes and porches at an alarming rate. Once your package leaves our custody, we are no longer responsible for it. If your tracking shows that your package has been delivered, yet you are unable to find it, please contact your local USPS and see if they can help you locate it. We are not able to help you locate the package. All that we can see is the same tracking information that you can see. You will need to contact your post office for help, not us. **We are not responsible for lost or stolen items. We are also not responsible for items that are returned or lost if the wrong shipping address is entered. It is YOUR responsibility to enter the correct address and verify it when prompted. Please note that sometimes USPS will return items when the name on the package is not the name attached to the residence. This is not our responsibility. If your order was canceled, please see question #16 below. *Although a popular misconception, we do not have any control over the USPS. We can not do anything about misplaced packages, packages returned to us, or locating packages.
5. How long will it take to receive my order?
Our goal is to have all orders shipped within 24-72 hours of receipt of payment. If you place and pay for your order on a Friday, we may or may not be able to ship it until the following Monday. We will try to get it out to you that Saturday but that’s not always possible. We ship with USPS First Class Mail which takes 3-5 days to get to you after the postal service accepts your package. We’ve found that depending where you live, you may receive your package faster than that. Once we print your shipping label on our end, you will receive an email with your tracking information (see question 2). We may not print your label the same day you place your order. Please wait 72 hours after paying for your order before contacting us with questions about shipping. We will not respond to emails requesting this information before then.
We do not ship overnight. We fill orders on a first come, first serve basis. It can take up to 72 hours to get your order processed once payment is received. We cannot put your order ahead of others. We can only offer shipping your item within 72 hours.
**During holiday months (Oct-Dec), USPS reports delays in deliveries. Please allow extra time for delivery during these months.
6. Do you ship outside the U.S.?
We only ship within the United States (Alaska and Hawaii included).
7. How do I know you have received my payment?
You will receive an email stating your order has been completed and giving you your tracking number. PLEASE use your search box in your email and search for An email is always sent but it often ends up in some random folder. Please allow up to 72 hours for this email.
8. Why did I not receive my Shroomery bonus after entering my username?
WE ARE NOT SHROOMERY.ORG. We can not help you locate your username or log-in. We only offer bonuses to Shroomery members. If you are having trouble with logging-in or finding your username, you MUST contact ALL Shroomery usernames are verified using the search feature on Shroomery usernames are case sensitive. If you entered an invalid username or entered the username incorrectly, your free gift will not be sent to you. We do not send free gifts after your order was completed (if you forgot to add it, or added it later, etc). Do not ask. *We do not recheck shroomery usernames. They must be entered correctly the first time. Unfortunately, some take advantage of our generosity and still attempt to enter fake usernames in order to get free stuff, so we have to be stricter about this than we’d like to be. The Shroomery community has been very good to us and this is our little way of saying “THANK YOU, WE LOVE YOU!!!” So, please, be honest. ****Bounses are based on availability, not on customer selection.***
9. What forms of payment do you accept and how do I pay?
We are happy to accept all major credit/debit cards or CashApp. We no longer accept Zelle or Bitcoin. They will no longer accept money for our site due to what we sell. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
10. Why I am being charged from an outside processor (ReThink)?
Due to the nature of the products that we sell, it is deemed “high risk” for most payment processors. We have worked diligently with our parterns to develop the world’s ONLY LEGAL creadit card gateway for paying for spores in the USA. This achievement has resulted in the ONLY fraud-free credit/debit card payment option for spores in the USA. You are welcome!
11. Will my item freeze/overheat in the mail?
We do not provide heat or cooling bags. Your item will only be exposed to the elements while in your mailbox. We recommend following your tracking information to closely follow the location of your package. Once it has been delivered, remove it from your mailbox/porch as soon as possible. *We are not responsible for overheated or frozen syringes.
12. How should I store my syringe?
We recommend storing your syringe in the refrigerator, away from the freezer.
13. My coupon code is no longer valid, why?
Sales and coupon codes are based on availability. Once the items are gone, the coupon codes are no longer valid. We do not give notice of when sales and coupons will expire because we do not know until when the product is gone.
14. What is your replacement policy?
We do not offer refunds. There is no exception to this. However, we will work with you on issues that may arise. Our contamination-free guarantee on all of our products is good for 30 days from the date of sale. No replacements will be offered after 30 days. In the event you determine your spore sample to be contaminated, simply contact us and we’ll make arrangements for a replacement. THERE IS NO NEED TO ELABORATE. Simply let us know that you have seen some contamination. We pride ourselves on both the quality of our products and the customer service that comes along with them. So never hesitate to reach out if you have any issues with your order!!! Replacements are for contamination ONLY. We do not replace syringes (see below). We do not respond to comments, inquiries or complaints wherein cultivation or any related activity is mentioned. IF YOU DISCUSS CULTIVATION IN ANYWAY, THE REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE WILL NOT BE HONORED!! AS YOU AGREED AT CHECKOUT, DO NOT DISCUSS CULTIVATION IN ANYWAY! **Free/bonus syringes are not covered by our guarantee. Only 1 strain will be replaced. Multiple strains with contamination typically is due to user error, therefore, we do not replace multiple strains. In addition, we will only send replacements for 1 order. If you are seeing contamination in several orders, it is typically due to user error, not syringe contamination. We do NOT replace syringes when they first arrive. The syringes are made when ordered and quality inspected twice. We assure you that you are getting a quality syringe.
*for more on syringe contamination, please see #17
15. Why will you not correct my order? (I have entered the wrong shipping address)
Everything that we do is manual. Processing orders take time and is a tedious process. Our policies are in place to allow for smooth and efficient transactions for everyone. Our instructions are clear and concise. Therefore, we do not correct orders. This is a policy that we are consistent about. We are just trying to get orders processed and out in a timely manner. We appreciate your understanding and willingness to work with us to help everyone have a smooth and efficient transaction. **There are no exceptions to this policy, please do not ask. If you entered the wrong address, you will need to request for your order to be cancelled, then place a new order with the correct shipping address. Once you place the new order, email us with the new order number. You must send the email, without it, we will not know your new order #.
16. Will you ship to my state?
Per our website: “Please be aware of the laws in your State as they pertain to the possession of psilocybe cubensis spores. While these spores contain no psychoactive substances themselves, they may be illegal to possess them in some states. We at Reliable Spores trust our customers have properly educated themselves on the laws that pertain to them. Customers accept responsibility to know the laws in their areas. Reliable Spores and all its affiliates shall be held harmless for all events transpiring after a spore sample leaves our custody.” Due to the ever changing laws, we simply cannot keep up. In addition, we are not attorneys. We cannot give advice on where spores can and cannot be shipped. At checkout, YOU will be asked to accept all responsibility for shipment to your state. Reliable Spores will not accept any responsibility for shipment to your location.
17. What are the black specks/dirt/clumps in my syringe?
The black specks in your syringe are actually spores. It is NOT contaminated. It is a sign of a healthy and viable syringe. In addition to the spores that you can see, there are MANY more that are not visible to the naked eye. Individual spores are not visible to the naked eye. Seeing clumps? Some spores may clump together. Shake vigorously for best results. Rest assured that you have a very healthy syringe.
**We do NOT replace syringes. The syringes are made when ordered and quality inspected three times by qualified eyes. We assure you that you are getting a quality syringe.

18. Why does it feel like these FAQs are sternly lecturing me?
We apologize if our answers above come across as harsh and make you feel as if you’re being lectured to by an old, crotchety school marm. We only have a few rules and, unfortunately, no matter how clear we make them, there are those who find creative ways to break them. Our rules aren’t arbitrary, they exist to protect YOU, US and the integrity of the transaction process. Departures from these rules expose everyone to potential negative consequences that we are trying to avoid. In the end, we trust but verify, and are firm but fair. After all, we love you and want nothing but happiness and success for you!!! Remember that!!!
**If your question was not not answered in our FAQ, please contact us at
***You must include your order # in any email inquiries pertaining to existing o