Denver, CO votes today to “de-prioritize” criminal penalties for magic mushroom possession those of you hoping that today’s vote is about LEGALIZING magic mushrooms in Denver, I’m afraid you’re going to need to wait just a bit longer. Today, the city of Denver, CO will be voting on two ballot questions contained in Ordinance 301, otherwise known as the Denver Psilocybin Mushroom Initiative.
The Ordinance, contrary to widespread rumor and speculation, does not aim to legalize magic mushrooms. Rather, it seeks to “de-prioritize, to the greatest extent possible” the pursuit of criminal penalties imposed by the City of Denver “for the personal use and personal possession of psilocybin mushrooms.”
OK, so what does that mean exactly?
It means that while magic mushroom possession would remain illegal. However, if passed, Ordinance 301 would “prohibit the city from spending resources to impose criminal penalties” on those possessing the fungi. Magic Mushrooms contain the psychoactive molecules psilocin and psilocybin. Both psilocin and psilocybin are currently Schedule I substances under the Controlled Substances Act. Schedule I drugs purportedly have a high potential for abuse and serve no legitimate medical purpose. However, such claims for magic mushrooms appears to be based on conjecture, rumor and ignorance. Because there’s a ton of actual scientific data indicating that such descriptors are patently false.
Real evidence that these fungi are non-addictive and medically relevant is mounting. The benefits of magic mushrooms for a variety of conditions are real and becoming increasingly difficult to ignore. From Johns Hopkins to Jordan Peterson all indicators are pointing toward these magical fungi being quite beneficial to Humanity.
While today’s vote in Denver may be a small step, but it’s a step. It may not touch the banality of the Federal stance, but does indicate that minds are opening.
Stay tuned for updates as today’s vote unfolds!